This is an overview of some projects I did myself or as part of a group or organization.
Study assignment
Drones Simulator
Friday July 7, 2017
As part of the ‘Industrial Software Engineering Project’ course at university we (a group of four students including myself) developed a distributed, scalable simulator platform for drone artificial intelligence testing.
Wednesday March 1, 2017
For study association Inter-_Actief_ I have created a taylor-made web platform for the symposium committees.
Open source
Friday February 26, 2016
Python API client for the MoneyBird bookkeeping software.
Open source
Django Auditlog
Saturday January 23, 2016
Django Auditlog is a reusable app for Django that makes logging object changes a breeze. Auditlog tries to use as much as Python and Django’s built in functionality to keep the list of dependencies as short as possible. Also, Auditlog aims to be fast and simple to use.
Friday January 22, 2016
Research automation project for my bachelor thesis about IP geolocation databases.
Study assignment
Viskell (visual Haskell)
Tuesday June 30, 2015
A proof-of-concept of a visual Haskell programming environment in Java developed with fellow students as a study assignment.
Study assignment
Open Transport Language Deluxe
Monday June 15, 2015
A simple programming language which compiles to Java bytecode created with a fellow student for a study assignment. The programming language aims to replicate structures known from the “(Open) Transport Tycoon Deluxe” game. The language has been released under an open-source license.
Freelance work
Creatlr, the visual thinking platform
Friday February 1, 2013
Creatlr is an online platform for visual knowledge sharing. I have been involved in the development of the platform as freelance Django developer.