Study assignment
Drones Simulator

Friday July 7, 2017

As part of the ‘Industrial Software Engineering Project’ course at university we (a group of four students including myself) developed a distributed, scalable simulator platform for drone artificial intelligence testing.

The platform allows users to program their own tactic and simulate an environment with multiple drones, possibly grouped in teams, and participate in different games. Examples of these games are deathmatch, capture the flag, etc. During the project we primarily designed and implemented a reference implementation of the system. This can be extended to use a more sophisticated game- and physics engine, has more components for drones, simulate other objects besides drones, have more game modes, etc. A continuation of this project might be offered to other students.

The simulation was implemented using Java and the OSGi framework, with the Apache Felix implementation. We also used Docker, etcd and RabbitMQ, amongst other technologies.

GitHub: INAETICS/Drones-Simulator